Parc Floral de Paris

Route de la Pyramide – Bois de Vincennes Entrée par le Pavillon des Cèdres

Public days

Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 May

Opening times: 12pm – 6.30pm

(Service ends at 6pm – Closes at 6.30pm)

Professional Day

Monday 6th May

Opening hours: 10am – 6pm

(service stops at 5pm)

Cloakrooms are compulsory (no bags or heavy jackets inside the show).

Ligne 1 – Metro station: Château de Vincennes

Ligne A – Station: Vincennes

Ligne 46 – Bus Station: Parc Floral (Terminus)

Ligne 46,56,112,114,115,118, 124,210,318,325 – Château de Vincennes

5 minutes from Porte de Vincennes – 12,000 parking spaces around the Parc Floral


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